Vivocoin Status 6/21/2109
vivocoin forest

Development A test regarding auto-update has been started. A new Version of Vivocoin will be put out soon and we recommend that you always have the latest. There is a file at: /root/cronup.txt This file should have a version 2.0 somewhere at the bottom. If it does not, auto-update won’t work and has to be […]

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Vivocoin Status 6/6/2019

A new website has been installed on a new vps. The old one did not allow fundamental changes easily. The new one now has SSL to handle the complaint that some had complaining that was insecure. Around 70 masternodes had problems due to not updating their wallets. Very few Miners had an issue for the […]

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Hello everyone! Be prepared to update your bookmarks to the new domain for VivoCoin.