Please update to keep the network safe. Few bug fixes and updating of checkpoint. Also, some extra forensic information being given by the system now to help troubleshoot.

Those Linux VPS s that have auto-update set up should get have it updated in 24 hours. Please check and confirm. This is the first try and it may not work for some.

If Auto-update does not work this time, install it again. It should work next time. It seems it has been successful for most nodes that have it installed.

Script based update:

To determine if you have the latest Version do:


The first line you get should be :
“version”: 120117,

If it is not, update with or without auto update:

To auto-update Run this and next time it should work (even if it did not work this time):
bash <(curl -s$(date +%s))

If you want to update but NOT have an auto-update then use:
bash <(curl -s

Hello everyone! Be prepared to update your bookmarks to the new domain for VivoCoin.