Vivocoin Mini White Paper


Vivocoin was launched as an open source cryptocurrency in August 2017. It was a pre-announced fork of the Dash source code. VIVO has a very low pre-mine dedicated to the development and furthering of the currency, including having it listed on popular exchanges.

In 2018, there was a handover, and later another handover and so the Discord location was changed to the current one, but the many of the social media sites are the same as they were originally set up.

Economic Purpose

The fundamental economic purpose of Vivocoin is the be the currency of a large economy. An economy based on education, manufacturing, leisure, communication, social enjoyment, and transactions.

All areas are to be serviced by the currency. The exact technique is a work in progress and will depend on the best technologies available at the time.

Vivocoin is the Agile Coin

The overall purpose of Vivocoin is being an easy to use cryptocurrency, profitable, available and easily convertible. The intention is: There will be no specific industry that it will serve, in fact, it will serve multiple industries because it will be a Vivocoin infrastructure.

What is being promised is “continuous improvement” until we hit gold. Multiple projects are being pursued on the road map and we don’t know which will be that great success.

Many specific purposes have been looked at, as in crowdfunding, gaming, gambling, etc. Vivocoin will serve any purpose when the resources are available to do so. We will not limit the vision to only one specific purpose. The important factor is that Vivocoin is not going to reinvent the wheel. It will use proven technologies from other coins to achieve goals.

The core of the Vivocoin vision is agility, not about enforcing one single direction but cognizant of what opportunities and resources become available and adapting. If there is an opportunity to do something profitable because the resources exist, it will be done. If a game exists that can easily be integrated it will, while if some gambling code can be integrated it will be. If Vivocoin can be used to facilitate escrows and exchanges it will be. We are simply being honest about what method will be used rather than having some grand scheme where you find out nothing of value is being contemplated.

Vivocoin will act as a coin spawner. There were be several other coins that one will own, simply by owning Vivocoin. Vivocoin will be the controlling asset amongst the several coins that it will spawn. One coin will specifically deal with zero knowledge issues, another may deal with private messaging, and another may deal with private storage. As time goes one, we will decide based on capability and opportunity.

Coins are grouped as privacy coins

Vivocoin itself will not become a complete privacy coin because of the dangers of being delisted. There is mounting pressure to delist coins that will do so.
The problem with privacy coins is that ultimately they can be delisted by governmental pressure. So Vivocoin itself will not embed zero-knowledge proofs but rather will have off chain techniques of providing privacy.

Instead, Vivocoin will have sister coins. Coins which will have that feature and that Vivocoin owners can obtain due to their possession of Vivocoin.
Vivocoin has no choice but to have a presence on some exchanges for multiple reasons.

Private over the counter exchanges will have to be provided to ensure the trade-ability of Vivocoin.

Bottom Line Obligations

Vivocoin at a minimum will be the coin that never dies. Many coins, the developers just throw up their hand and leave. The reasons are not clear but they probably can’t deal with the constant cost, the need for technical support, dealing with the same questions all the time and a never-ending supply of complaints and insults.

Vivocoin is consciously and purposefully mitigating all the potential issues that won’t allow a coin to survive. The idea is to be here 2, 5, 10 years from now.

For one thing, we will minimize tech support issues by moving forward slowly. This may be frustrating to some but it has to be a policy to achieve the goal of continuous progress with minimal cost.
A larger coin ends up with constant work and management issues and the larger the coin is, the more the cost. Vivocoin will strive to minimize these costs to easily exist in the coming years.

Ideally, many of the management functions of Vivo will be automated.
We simply pace ourselves, accepting the fact that a bigger coin will do more things (and that we won’t).
We will do some of what they do at a slower pace.

Our monthly financial costs are:

  1. Our seed nodes
  2. The website (the VPS and DNS service)
  3. Exchanges and Potential Exchanges
  4. Explorer cost (internal or external) (VPS charges for Internal)

That is the accounting cost of Vivocoin. People put in the time and that is not counted or relevant in the calculation.

Vivocoin is slowly being developed. It will not be fast. What is special about it is that your ownership will never be snatched away from you. There will not be a swap of Vivocoin and Vivocoin is here to stay. What you do with it is up to you.

Improvement will happen, slowly. But it will happen.

There is no promise of price rise or price fall. The promise is that Vivocoin will last. You can see the proof already. Vivo has never been swapped while most others in its generation have been swapped out. People have come back to see their coins are worthless because they did not swap in time.

Also, many coins have been abandoned. Vivocoin will never be abandoned. That does not mean that it will have the latest but it will be here to stay.

Hello everyone! Be prepared to update your bookmarks to the new domain for VivoCoin.